Covid Update

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Informations clés de notre part :

Olivia Sterling Group would like to inform you that whilst we are now open for business.  However, we continue to adhere to all legal and international government recommended precautions for the foreseeable future. Due to concerns around COVID-19, and recent developments worldwide, all our major events scheduled for this year are being postponed until April 2021.  It is our paramount duty of care to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all our clients, the global community, our supporters,  sponsors, and partners who is our top priority.  

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our website and welcome you to place your enquiry through our usual channels as we wish you the very best of health.   We look forward to announcing more positive new changes to the above information, and our global service each month via this page for you to read.  In the meantime, we encourage you to subscribe below, and click on the buttons to access more news you can gain some of the latest information from as it relates to the global pandemic affecting everyone's life.

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