Communiqué de presse du BSG


monde | entreprise | finances | mode de vie
Interviews récentes et couverture médiatique

Présentation des relations publiques et des médias
With our business being elevating in the world, we are pleased to be noticed for the positive difference we make through the work we do, and how we make it all come together.  We see big potential in every moment we share with our clients and care deeply about what we do every day, and that s reflected in our client relationships. Our unique development attracts and guarantees our business a place in the world at every level of operation as we continue to bring comfort and relief to busy lifestyles, and our leadership team reflects a group of diverse individuals with breadth and depth of experience across the company to get us noticed and appreciated by leading publications within our field.  The general medias show of support and interest in our business is very much appreciated, and this provides another platform through which we may thrive!
Latest Press Release by Leading Premier Weekly Jamaican Newspaper
- Published December 2020 -
Dernier communiqué de presse par lauréat Magazine de la vie de luxe
- Publié en décembre 2019 -

"Des nouvelles encourageantes pour inspirer une génération de services de luxe."

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